
Fallout 3 lines of dialogue
Fallout 3 lines of dialogue

fallout 3 lines of dialogue

  • “B I hate non-humans just as much as the next but the enclave is literally the federal government. The world a better place now and you wanna reestablish a country with the rule of law? Okay wig.” - m1911s-and-power-rises.
  • “The best faction in Fallout is always, always “Whoever the Enclave are currently fighting.” - momir.
  • “I didn’t wipe out BoS for the Legion for you all to suck every other faction’s dick” - myesyats.
  • “Who doesn’t like the gang who teaches kids good moral values, helps the community and gives you free haircuts and leather jackets?”.
  • “I love racism but y'all arguing over a bunch of techno pagans, Roman larpers, and a computer monarchist.” - m1911s-and-power-rises.
  • “edgy racist man has shit opinion, more at 11″ - mr-downer.
  • And it somehow ended up starting a New Vegas faction war? Here’s a list of some of my favorite quotes so far:

    Fallout 3 lines of dialogue